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Art and Integrity

We are fed up with movies that coast along with technological wizardry in lieu of meaningful content.

We recently saw two movies that hit us like a sucker punch.in the gut: the documentary about the Chinese artist, Ai Weiwei Ai Weiwei:Never Sorry and The French film Beloved, Les bien-aimes directed by Christophe Honore.

Both dealt with real life challenges: resistance to conformity and illegitimate authority, the individual and the State, illness, ageing, and the complexities of love and death.

No easy answers, no happy endings.

You are a hero by muddling through and putting one foot in front of the other.

The characters accept their fate–amour fati!
The message–a life of integrity consists of facing the future by integrating the past.

Both films inspire us to embrace what the Greek writer, Kazantzakis (Zorba the Greek, 1964)  called the whole catastrophe known as life.

Or as Ai Weiwei put in contemporary terms Never Retreat; Re-Tweet!


Liberty, Integrity, Art

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